On this page you will find the definition of astrology, our one-to-one astrology options, free handouts to help you better understand your chart, our monthly meet up information, and our past meet up information!

Gus of Luna y Rio has 20 years of study, training, and practice in Western astrology. He is more than happy to meet with you for a private one-to-one analysis of your astrological charts in-person or on Zoom. If you are interested in a consultation, please review our options below or consider joining us in person at our monthly astrology meet ups in Brownsville, Texas to hear how the current alignments affect us and use your chart to better understand how they affect you! Please contact us by clicking on the “Contact Us” buttons below, message us on social media, email us at luna@lunayrio.com or message us directly by calling or texting (956)589-3347!



Astrologers relate the positions of the stars in the heavens to actual events on Earth. Based on the locations and alignments of the stars at a given moment, an astrologer can tell you significant information about that moment in the life. This is called an astrological reading. There are many options for readings. Each reading is carefully prepared and analyzed with at least two hours of calculation and research time. Your reading will largely be in the “Classical Western” style.

For more information about each type of reading, please click here to visit our FAQ page!

Schedule your appointment by contacting us here on our Contact Us page or by clicking the button below!

Here are our astrology options:

Free Handouts to help you read your chart:

Astrological Houses

Symbols and Names

Astrological Houses:

help you identify themes that occur through each of the 12 houses in a chart.

Use this visual to help you identify what themes are in each of the 12 houses on a chart.

Symbols and Names:

Are you having trouble reading your chart? With so many different symbols and names, it is hard to keep track of it all. Please use this chart to help you identify what each of the symbols represent.

What do the symbols mean on your chart? Use this handout to help you identify the symbols!