Yoga, Meditation, Sound Immersion

We offer individual and group yoga and meditation in several styles! Please read more below!


Yoga is a mind-body intervention that practices ancient physical and mental practices in order to calm the nervous system and create harmony in the mind, body, spirit, and environment. We offer sessions in Yin, Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative practices.

Public yoga practices

are pre-scheduled events! All current and upcoming events can be found on our social media pages.

Please refer to our social media with pricing and dates of upcoming events.

Private yoga practices

$60 per 1-hour session for 1 person with $5 each additional person up to 10 people or bundle 4 or more sessions at $45 per 1-hour session for 1 person with $5 each additional person. Please note, bundled sessions must be paid for in advance at the 1 person rate of 4, $45 sessions. All additional participants can prepay or pay the day of the scheduled practice.

This session includes all mats and props including blocks and any assisted items like wedges and chairs.


Meditation can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It can increase inner peace, self-awareness, perception, emotional health and well-being. We offer sessions of meditation only, yoga and meditation, and sound meditation practices.

Private voice guided meditation practices start at $45 per 1-hour session for 1 person with $5 each additional person up to 10 people.

This includes mats, pillows, blankets, blocks, bolsters, and any assistive items needed including wedges and chairs.

*Please note, this is for a voice guided meditation in one of various forms: mindfulness-based stress reduction, loving kindness, intuitive, insight, shamanic, or emotional freedom technique (EFT) meditation. This service does not include meditative instruments. For sound support through healing and meditative instruments in addition to a voice guided meditation, please refer to “sound meditation, sound bath, crystal singing bowl, gong bath, and tuning fork meditation” information listed below.

We offer special occasion, group, and personal experiences! For any pricing not found here, please feel free to email, text, or call us for further information.


Crystal Meditation.jpg

Crystal Grid Meditation

This includes a personalized consultation, customized crystal grid, and voice guided sound meditation.

Crystal grids harness the energy of groups of crystals, sacred geometry, and intention to obtain a desired result. Using crystals with meditation, deepens the meditation practice, cleanses the space and body, activates and raises vibrations. Crystals are placed in particular points, or grids, on and around the body, and can be used together with guided meditation or combined with sound bowls.

1 or 2 people only

$45 per participant for a 30-minute session (*Bundle: $180 for 5, 30-minute sessions *price is for 4 sessions + one “free” session!)

$60 per participant for a 45-minute session

$70 per participant for a 60-minute session

Sound Meditation

These include meditation guided with voice and singing bowls and various instruments (gongs, chi chimes, bells, the monolina, drums, tuning forks, pulse tubes, didgeridoos, rain sticks, crystal rain sticks, and various wood and seed meditative instruments).

Sound meditation harmonizes voice guided meditation with1-2 meditative instruments. It is a gentle and restorative practice that promotes calming and relaxing states of awareness to bring the self into a peaceful meditative state.

We offer these sound meditation options:

* Public restorative yoga and sound meditation (private residence and in-studio) *these are pre-scheduled events! All current and upcoming events can be found on our social media pages.

30-minute gentle, restorative yoga and 30-minute voice guided sound meditation with 1 to 2 meditative instruments.

Please refer to our social media with pricing and dates of upcoming events.

* Private restorative yoga and sound meditation (private residence and in-studio) *these are not pre-scheduled events! These are calendared by you.

30-minute gentle, restorative yoga and 30-minute voice guided sound meditation with 1 to 2 meditative instruments.

$60 per 1-hour session for 1 person with $5 each additional person up to 10 people or bundle 4 or more sessions at $45 per 1-hour session for 1 person with $5 each additional person. Please note, bundled sessions must be paid for in advance at the 1 person rate of 4, $45 sessions ($180). All additional participants can prepay or pay the day of the scheduled practice.

* Private sound meditation (private residence and in-studio and in the comfort of your own home)

1-hour voice guided sound meditation with 1 to 2 meditative instruments.

Private sound meditations start at $45 per 1-hour session for 1 person with $5 each additional person up to 10 people. This includes mats, pillows, blankets, and bolsters.

Public Sound Bath Experience

A sound bath is a relaxation technique and meditative experience where participants bathe in sound waves created by the human voice and many meditative instruments. It promotes healthy mind, body, and spirit by reducing stress and anxiety, improves memory, harmonizes the body on a cellular level, and balances the body’s energy system by energetically cleansing the nervous system while promoting deeper states of meditation.

We offer these sound bath options: public and private sound bath experiences

* Public sound bath experience (in-studio)

Bowls are centrally located and up to 10 participants lay fanned around the bowls. This experience is divided into three intentions- presencing experienced through breath work, awareness experienced through meditation, and connection experienced through a sound bath. All sound baths are also posted on social media! Please check on Facebook or Instagram to see our current schedule.

$35 per participant for a 1-hour session

We offer special occasion, group, and personal sound bath experiences!

*Please email or call for additional pricing options.

Private Sound Bath Experience

A sound bath is a relaxation technique and meditative experience where participants bathe in sound waves created by the human voice and many meditative instruments. It promotes healthy mind, body, and spirit by reducing stress and anxiety, improves memory, harmonizes the body on a cellular level, and balances the body’s energy system by energetically cleansing the nervous system while promoting deeper states of meditation.

We offer these sound bath options: public and private sound bath experiences

* Private sound bath experience (at a private residence or in the comfort of your home)

A full consultation is given to each participant from 1 to 4 people, to completely tailor the whole experience for each individual. This will include intention setting through a tailored ceremonial experience with herbs or incense, deep breath work to fully focus on the set intentions, and a deep relaxing and recharging meditation fully supported by singing bowls and selected meditative instruments which can include gongs, tuning forks, bells, chimes, the monolina, etc. The singing bowls are placed on and around the body for a direct energy/body experience.

Prices start at $120 for 1 person and $35 each individual person up to 4 total

+$50 for this service in a private studio in either Brownsville or SPI.

Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath Meditation

(meditation guided with voice and crystal bowls and instruments)

A crystal sound bath works to purify and strengthen the body, mind, and soul energy. The energy of a crystal bowl resonates, expands, and creates harmony. It enhances meditation, intuition, relaxation, and bodywork. *All sessions include an in-depth consultation before each service.

We offer these crystal sound bath options:

* Sound Therapy

$60 for a 30-minute session (Bundle: $200 for 4, 30-minute sessions *bundled sessions must be paid for in advance)

$80 for a 45-minute session

$100 for a 60-minute session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.

* Chakra System Balancing (No consultation.)

$35 for a 30-minute session

$60 for a 1-hour session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.

* Emotional Release (No consultation.)

$35 for a 30-minute session

$60 for a 1-hour session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.

* Clearing Body and Energy Space (With consultation.)

$50 for a 30-minute session

travel fee is included in this price

We offer special occasion, group, and personal sound bath experiences!

*Please email or call for additional pricing options.


Sound Therapy

* Sound Therapy (at a private residence or in the comfort of your home)

Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. A full consultation is given to 1 participant, to identify the needs and completely tailor each session for the individual. The instruments are selected based on individual needs. These can include tuning forks, the monolina, gongs, chimes, singing bowls, or in combination. Specific energy work is determined through the consultation and specific instrument applications are discussed and agreed upon before each session.

$60 for a 30-minute session (Bundle: $200 for 4, 30-minute sessions *bundled sessions must be paid for in advance)

$80 for a 45-minute session

$100 for a 60-minute session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.

* Chakra System Balancing (at a private residence or in the comfort of your home. No consultation.)

$35 for a 30-minute session

$60 for a 1-hour session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.

* Immune System Boost (at a private residence or in the comfort of your home. No consultation.)

$35 for a 30-minute session

$60 for a 1-hour session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.

* Clearing Body and Energy Space (herbs and sound cleanse/limpia: done in your own home or meet in a public space in Brownsville or SPI with consultation)

$50 for a 30-minute session

travel fee is included in this price

Gong Bath

Gong baths are a type of inactive meditation, where you “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound. Using sound as a form of healing dates back to ancient cultures. Records of using gongs have surfaced from as early as ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman times. A gong bath is a form of sound bath meditation where participants lie down or sit comfortably while being surrounded by the vibrations and sounds of gongs. The goal is to promote relaxation, stress relief, and healing through the power of sound. Four gongs are strategically placed around the body and also played over the energy system. We use a combination of wind, chao, and thai gongs. *All sessions include an in-depth consultation before each service.

* Sound Therapy

$60 for a 30-minute session (Bundle: $200 for 4, 30-minute sessions *bundled sessions must be paid for in advance)

$80 for a 45-minute session

$100 for a 60-minute session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.

Tuning Fork Therapy

A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs formed from a U-shaped bar of elastic metal. It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against a surface or with an object, and emits a pure musical tone once the high overtones fade out. Tuning Fork therapy is a very gentle, yet powerful modality to treat the body and mind and restore inner balance and health. It works with the nervous system, the tissues and the more subtle energies of the body. It is deeply relaxing and restoring and can offer long-term benefits. *All sessions include an in-depth consultation before each service.

* Sound Therapy

$60 for a 30-minute session (Bundle: $200 for 4, 30-minute sessions *bundled sessions must be paid for in advance)

$80 for a 45-minute session

$100 for a 60-minute session

+$20 travel fee in Brownsville or SPI if this will be in the comfort of your own home.