healing tools

Sound Bowls, Orin Bells, Koshi Bells, Brass Bells with Stand

All of our instruments are hand selected for sound and ease of play. Instruments have been acquired from different parts of the world. Sound bowls and Orin bells are extremely unique! All information about each individual instrument can be found on the store page.

Sound Bowls: vibrate and produce rich sounds when played. They are used during meditation practice and promote relaxation and healing. They help balance our body systems on a cellular level. Our sound bowls are hand hammered. No two bowls are alike! All sound bowl prices are determined by weight.

Orin Bells: are said to induce the flow of alpha waves to the brain that generate a feeling of comfort. They can be sounded when reading sutras, before, during, or after a meditation, and are also used to purify and cleanse a space. Our Orin Bells come straight from Japan!

Koshi Bells: were created in France in the foot of the Pyrenean Mountains. 8 chords are welded to silver in a resonance tube creating melodic sounds. Tunings are inspired by the elements Terra (Earth), Aqua (water), Aria (air), Ignis (fire). They promote deep meditation

Brass Bells: have a symbolic meaning associated with the mind and expansion of consciousness. They symbolize beginnings and endings and can be used before, during, and after yoga or meditation practice.


Our reflexology tools are made of solid wood or natural stone. All of our tools were hand selected and have been closely inspected for craftsmanship. All of the tools are described individually on the store page.