Capricorn New Moon: 1-11-24

The New Moon in Capricorn is the first lunation of the year 2024, and we have a strong Earth element moving through the cosmos. Earth is the concrete object we can touch, feel and form into the useful clay cup to satisfy our creative thirst. This chart has Cardinal signs at all the Angular houses, that is the 1st,4th,7th, and 10th houses.  The 0˚ Capricorn Ascendant beckons us torecall the Winter Solstice chart from a few weeks ago.  The Solstice chart had 5th house themes of creation: making babies or bringing our artistic dreams to light during this winter season.The Cardinal signs are all about providing the momentum for movement and starting new things in motion. Each of the seasons begins with an equinox or solstice point in a Cardinal sign and shifts our consciousness into new space. This lunation has a loaded 1st house, the Moon connects with the Sun in Capricorn in the 1st house along with Mars and Pluto. Having the Lunation in the 1st house puts us in the drivers seat, we are in charge of this urge to move and create. Mars has just gone into Capricorn this last Thursday morning and now sits at 5˚, while Pluto is in the last degree of Capricorn. Mars in Capricorn has nice dignity and is in the darkness as he prefers. This is some nice fuel to make our creative fire burn, although we must be warry as Mars in the 1st can always be dangerous for us and can physical or mentally damage us via over work or stress. Pluto in the first is in the last degree of Capricorn and suggests control systems that we have created for ourselves.  Jupiter is now direct and in the 5th whole sign house furthering the creative energy vibration for this New Moon. He lies at 5˚ of Capricorn in trine with Mars. This will help increase Mars helping abilities to push us forward toward our vision and softens Mars’ possible attacking blow, if we are leaning towards extreme will power that can damage us. Mercury and Venus are in Sagittarius in the 12th house and wandering in the darkness.  There are themes of isolation regarding our dream as well as feelings of skepticism. Can we climb this mountain with what appears to be old shoes? We can achieve what we dream this month let Jupiter and Mars push us and help cut through the 12th house fog and summit the snowy mountain peak.