rocks and crystals


Amethyst is the premier spiritual stone. It assists with physical ailments, emotional issues, energy cleansing, clarity, balancing the crown chakra, lucid dreaming and is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack and protects against negative energies. It enhances psychic abilities and intuition.

All of our amethyst pieces are hand selected. They are all labeled Grade A, and come from Brazil and Mexico.

Please check out our store for our current inventory! If you are looking for something specific and do not find it in our store, please feel free to contact us so that we may further assist you to find what you are looking for.


Labradorite is a stone of transformation. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness, it keeps spiritual energy well grounded, it relieves anxiety and stress, and stimulates mental acuity. Labradorite stimulates the throat chakra and allows the other energies from the other chakras to be expressed, therefore it is benefitial in uniting all of the other chakras.

All of our pieces are hand selected. They are all labeled Grade A.

Please check out our store for our current inventory! If you are looking for something specific and do not find it in our store, please feel free to contact us so that we may further assist you to find what you are looking for.

Selenite Wands.jpg


Selenite is a stone that calms and soothes. It brings deep peace and tranquility. It is used for good luck and protection and works with the crown and higher chakras (third eye, crown, transpersonal, and Etherc) to clear, open, and activate them for all types of spiritual work. It promotes purity and honesty.

All of our selenite pieces are hand selected. They are all labeled Grade A. They come in these forms in our store:

1. smooth wand

2. soap

3. raw wand

4. tower

5. ruler sized (12 or higher inches)

Please check out our store for our current inventory! If you are looking for something specific and do not find it in our store, please feel free to contact us so that we may further assist you to find what you are looking for.